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Learning Koji
Quick start

Tutorial: Koji quick start

Welcome to Koji! The goal of this tutorial is to guide you through developing and publishing your first web app on Koji. Along the way, you’ll learn some general web development topics along with the fundamental concepts of Koji.

This tutorial provides a step-by-step introduction for developers who are new to Koji, with or without web development experience.



walk through creating and publishing your first project.


dive a little deeper into the code editor, and explore making changes and updates to a project.


continue using the code editor to install and implement the @withkoji/core package.


take a break from coding, and instead, put yourself into the shoes of a user to see what the Koji experience looks like from their perspective.


explore contexts and how they enable the remixing experience on Koji.


dive into what you need to do in the code to allow users to remix and publish their own customized versions of your project.


create a home for your experience, complete with a landing page where you can tell users about what your project does.

Getting help

If you have any questions or feedback about this tutorial, please reach out to @RachelS and the Koji community on the Koji Discord server.