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Finish up

In the previous section of the customizable game tutorial, you customized the preview image for sharing on social media. That’s it! You’ve just created a fun and customizable Koji game!

In this section, you’ll publish your game and share it with your friends, so they can compete for the top leaderboard spot.

By the end of this section, you should feel comfortable:

  • Publishing and sharing your game.

  • Continuing to work on your Koji app.

Publishing and sharing your game

To make your game available to the world, all that’s left to do is to publish it. In the Koji editor, use the Publish Now menu. When publishing is finished, get the link to the live game so you can share it with your friends.

Go ahead and post your new game everywhere. Let the world know about it!

You can also post your new game to the Koji Discord server. While you’re at it, post any suggestions and thoughts on how you think we can make this tutorial even better.

Adding new features

The game is now your playground! You can modify features or add new ones, make improvements, or anything else you can imagine.

Here are some suggestions for features you can try adding to your game:

  • Add horizontal speed to collectibles.

  • Add multiple collectible images. For example, falling donuts and falling cupcakes.

  • Flip the rules so that you have to avoid everything.

  • Add more animations to collectibles.

  • Allow the player to move in all directions, not just horizontally.

  • Add keyboard controls.

  • Add projectiles so you can shoot the falling objects.

  • Make an MMORPG out of this! (just kidding)

If you have any questions or feedback about this tutorial, please reach out to @Marko(Svarog) and the Koji community on the Koji Discord server.