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Build custom controls

The Koji platform provides controls that you can use to capture user input, such as images, text, and sounds. In addition, you can create your own custom controls.

Examples of custom controls are tile map editors, sound enhancers, or custom avatar creators, which enhance the app’s interactivity.

A custom control is an application in Koji; therefore, you create one the same way you create any other Koji application. However, it cannot be used as a standalone app. When triggered, it appears over the parent app like a modal.

This topic outlines the steps to create your own custom control.


  • Familiarity with web development. React and ES6 basics are a plus.

  • Familiarity with the Koji editor and customization process. For an overview, go through the Koji starter tutorial.

Create a new project

  1. Fork the Scaffold | Custom Control FO React scaffold.

  2. In the Project Details page, rename the app, then click Open in Code Editor.

  3. At the bottom of the code editor, click the frontend tab of the terminal pane.

Code your custom control

The custom control scaffold already includes most commands required by a custom control. However, you can modify the parameters according to your needs.

The @withkoji/core and @withkoji/custom-vcc-sdk packages are already included in the custom control scaffold and do not need to be reinstalled. However, if you fork from a different scaffold or app, you must install both packages in your app’s frontend.

The frontend/src/App.js file contains the following code:

import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import Koji from '@withkoji/core';
import CustomVcc from '@withkoji/custom-vcc-sdk';  // (1)
import './App.css';

// Create an instance of CustomVcc.
const myCustomCtrl = new CustomVcc();  // (2)

function App() {

  // A place to store the value entered.
  let myStr = '';

  // What to do after the user is done.
  const finish = async () => {
    // When a user clicks Save, update the value of the custom control, and save the file.
    await myCustomCtrl.change(myStr);  // (5)
    await;  // (6)
    // alert( "Finished!" );

  // (Optional) Listen for changes to the consumer/parent app theme and match it in your custom control.
  const [theme, setTheme] = ...;
  useEffect(() => {
    myCustomCtrl.onTheme((theme) => {  // (3)
  }, []);

  // Listen for changes to the custom control's current state.
  useState(() => {
    myCustomCtrl.onUpdate((myProps) => {  // (3)
      // alert( "myProps.value is " + myProps.value );  // (7)

  // When the custom control has loaded, register it to trigger events from the consumer app.
  useEffect(() => {
    myCustomCtrl.register();  // (4)
  }, []);

  // Call the ready method once (with an empty dependency array)
  // to let the platform know we have our listeners set up and
  // to unblock the rendering and lookups for the rest of our application.
  useEffect(() => {
  }, []);

  return (
    <div className="App">
      <header className="App-header">
        <h1>My Custom Control</h1>
        <p>Enter any text:</p>
          onChange={(e) => {
            myStr = e.currentTarget.value;
        <button onClick={finish}>{'Save'}</button>

export default App;
  1. Imports the CustomVcc class from the @withkoji/custom-vcc-sdk package.

  2. Creates an instance of CustomVcc.

  3. Starts event listeners to listen for updates.

  4. After the customer control loads, registers it to trigger events from the parent editor.

  5. When a user changes the value, updates the custom control.

  6. Saves the file.

  7. For testing. Displays the value returned by the custom control.

To customize the forked code for your custom control:

  • Modify any of the default settings and parameters.

  • Add code required by your custom control, such as:

    • Elements in the return section that users can interact with.

    • Commands in the finish section to perform additional processing on the captured input.

  • Clean up unneeded code.

  • When done, publish your new custom control app.

Learn more: CustomVcc

Any app that uses your custom control must call Koji.ui.capture.custom with a subdomain.

To get your own subdomain of,

  1. Open the published custom control.

    • You can open the link that is provided in the notification immediately after you publish.

    • You can also go back to the Project Details page and click View Published Koji.

  2. While viewing your custom control, go to App  …​  Custom Domain.

  3. Click Add New Domain.

  4. Select Subdomain and click Next.

  5. Select as the root domain, enter a subdomain, and click Register.

    The subdomain name you enter will be passed as the name parameter to Koji.ui.capture.custom.

Test your custom control

You can fork the Example | Tester App for Custom Control and customize it as your standalone Koji app. It includes a button that triggers the custom control.

If you prefer to use another scaffold,

  1. Fork any scaffold from the App Store to create a standalone app.

  2. Add an element, such as a button that triggers the call to the custom control.

  3. To call the custom control and capture its value, use Koji.ui.capture.custom.

    • Using the custom control’s subdomain:

      Koji.ui.capture.custom({ name: 'mySubdomain' });
    • Using any URL that points to the custom control:

      Koji.ui.capture.custom({ url: '' });