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Enabling customizations

Object (composition) (deprecated)

The object control lets you define an object that is composed of multiple VCCs. For example, imagine you are making a game that let users define multiple enemies. Each enemy might need a few pieces of metadata, like a name, image, strength level, and hitpoints. You can use the object type to compose a custom VCC that defines an enemy, and then optionally extend it as an array to create a list of enemies.

Sample object VCC

  "key": "enemies",
  "name": "Enemies",
  "description": "List of enemies in the game",
  "type": "object<Enemy>[]",
  "typeOptions": {
    "Enemy": {
      "name": {
        "name": "Enemy name",
        "description": "The name of the enemy",
        "type": "text"
      "sprite": {
        "name": "Enemy sprite",
        "description": "Image to use for the enemy",
        "type": "image"
      "strLevel": {
        "name": "Strength level",
        "type": "range",
        "typeOptions": {
          "min": 0,
          "max": 100,
          "step": 1
      "hitpoints": {
        "name": "Hitpoints",
        "type": "range",
        "typeOptions": {
          "min": 0,
          "max": 20,
          "step": 1