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Deprecated packages for Koji developers

The following npm packages are deprecated and are included only for backwards compatibility.

For a list of current packages that you can use in your Koji projects, see packages-overview.html.

Deprecated core packages

The following packages are now incorporated into @withkoji/koji-core. They should not be used in future templates.

If your Koji’s code uses any of these deprecated packages, see migrate-koji-core.html to upgrade it.


track custom events in your Koji templates.


authenticate users in Koji templates.


implement a Koji database for the backend of your template.


implement real-time functionality in your Koji template.


implement in-app purchases from your Koji templates.


a secure interface for accessing permissioned user data across all Koji templates.


implement core platform features in your Koji template, including instant remixing, Visual Customization Controls (VCCs), and the Koji feed.