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Enables you to track custom events in your Koji apps. For example, track onClick events for the links and buttons in a Koji app.

To view the analytics data for a published Koji app, view the published app, click the App link, and then Open Analytics. You will see data for the custom events along with a standard set of built-in metrics, which are calculated from the app’s access logs.

Analytics data is processed at frequent intervals throughout the day. If you are testing the custom events in a published app and you don’t see results at first, wait 10 minutes to account for data processing latency, and then check again.


.track(event, payload)

Generates an analytics event with the specified name and data payload, if applicable.


  • event - String, Name of the custom event.

  • payload - [index: string]: any (Optional), List of custom key-value pairs to save with the event.


Boolean, Indicates whether the event was generated.


const event ='My Custom Event');

// with optional payload
const event ='Won game', { score: 120 });

Source: frontend/analytics/index.ts#L30